Lmao new game update:
i did some shit and planed a little and did a little sketch on pixl art and this is what i came up with
its not perfect so i am going to get someone else to like do some shit with it, i have already thought out the gameplay shit and that. i have made sprites already but i kind of want someone else to make them cause they kind of look dumb. if anyone on newgrounds would like to help with the art that would be appreciated. Another thing, the last 3 games i posted to newgrounds were dumps of older games i had made if it were school or some doggy camp codded the shit already and made me make some shitty sprites. There was this other game i made in a doggy camp but i don't wanna post it because it uses other sprites.
Also BIIG THING, this game will sort of be like a remake of the first game i published to this site called "Water Man" but instead I'm thinking of changing the name and introducing more characters to the game, like an unopened condom and a chewed up gum like you see in the hidious picture i drew up above. I don't know when this shit will be finished, but when it does, it will either be total shit, or be one of the websites mascots (Lol id hope). anyway, wanted to type this shit in and say this.
If you are an artist and wanna help me with this shit, dm me on newgrounds @TH3LOLMAN
also how tf do you spell hidious (means disgusting and ugly), google auto correct aint working for shit